Choosing the Right Custody Arrangement for the Holidays
The holidays are a festive time, but as divorced parents across all of California can tell you, they can also be riddled with logistical complications and disputes around who gets the kids when. When it comes to shared custody, the holidays are no exception and parents are still entitled to their percentage of custody that has been previously established. This means that parents often need to work together in order to figure out a holiday schedule that works for everyone while ensuring that all custody obligations are being met by all parties.
Broaching the Topic of Divorce with Your Spouse
People who want to get a divorce usually spend time mulling over the idea, thinking about the reasons behind their emotions and desires. As a result, they often come to terms with the concept before the topic has been broached in a marriage. This isn’t the case with the other partner, and it can be difficult to predict how someone will react when they get wind of their spouse’s intentions to divorce.
Cohabitating with your Partner? Why You Need A Clear Agreement in Place
These days, younger people are increasingly opting to cohabit with their partner as opposed to getting married. There are also others who see cohabitation an essential step that comes before marriage. While this type of arrangement can make a lot of sense, there’s a few considerations that cohabitating couples should spend time discussing with one another, at least when it comes to the financial side of things.
An Overview of Marriage Fraud and Immigration
These days, scrutiny for foreign nationals who are seeking immigration benefits is high. This is especially true for those who are planning to get married with an American citizen. After all, romance knows no borders, and marriages between citizens of different countries are a frequent occurrence.