Custody Disputes and the COVID-19 Vaccine

Family Law AttorneysOver a year later and the pandemic continues to impact every facet of most people’s lives. However, the vaccine rollout has been ramping up and many medical experts are hopeful that things are on the right track.

WIth that said, vaccines have proven to be a controversial topic, and divorced parents don’t always see eye to eye when it comes to vaccines, let alone a new vaccine that was approved just last year. We’ve dealt with cases where vaccines or other medical issues are a point of contention in custody cases, which is what inspired us to write this post. 

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Invalidating a Prenuptial Agreement: What Are My Options?

family law legal advicePrenups are a popular option for many couples these days, especially when lots of assets are involved. They can be a great way to establish a legal safety net that provides peace of mind and despite their reputation, can actually foster a deeper trust among partners. 

However, prenups are not perfect and they can be used to disadvantage one of the partners. While prenups aren’t legally binding until both sides have signed it, family law recognizes the potential for abuse. Usually, individual parties have 7 days to surface any potential issues that could invalidate the prenup. 

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Keeping Your Family Safe From COVID-19

Family Law AttorneysFor today’s blog post, we’ve decided to pivot briefly to talking about safety during COVID-19. With the rising number of cases across the country and continued unchecked holiday gatherings, hospitals and ICUs are starting to feel the strain. With end-of-year celebrations right around the corner, these numbers are likely to continue surging. 

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