Do Your Research: Tips For Finding a Trusted CA Divorce Attorney

divorce attorneysThese days, doing things on your own by following a step-by-step video tutorial is all the rage. This approach however doesn’t quite translate to family law so easily. 

With such huge stakes at play, it’s important to ensure that everything settles in a way that works for you and your loved ones. From custody issues to alimony or asset division, there are many sensitive and impacting matters that the family law courts have to determine. You need your own legal counsel, especially if the ex isn’t willing to work with you and has his/her own legal representation.

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What Can I NOT Include In a Prenuptial Agreement in California?

family law attorneysPrenuptial agreements have seen an increase in popularity in CA, especially when it comes to high net worth individuals. Although many people regard prenuptials with disdain, others are able to successfully implement them early on to ensure that both individuals are on the same financial page. When used correctly, a prenuptial agreement can actually strengthen your resolution and security in the marriage, as it allots all parties more control in the face of uncertainty. 

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Main Reasons to Adopt Your Stepchildren in CA

family law attorneysThese days, blended families are increasingly the norm for many people. These arrangements are a great way for once-divorced parents to move forward and establish a new family, one where they and their children can feel safe and supported. Whether the children are from a previous marriage or from the new union, the benefits to re-integrating into a blended family are significant. 


The biggest leap that a stepparent can make to complete this picture is to formally adopt any stepchildren and take on the role of legal parent. For today’s post, we’d like to spend some time discussing the biggest legal and personal benefits that adopting a stepchild brings to parents, children, and other close relatives.


Increased Parental and Legal Rights


From a legal standpoint, formally adopting a stepchild carries significant benefits and rights that should not be ignored. When the adoption is finalized, the stepparent is granted the exact same parental duties, rights, and responsibilities that would normally be expected from a biological parent. This can enable you to make decisions about the child’s health, education, and more.


Increased Emotional Support and Smoother Transition


Although members of blended families often report positive experiences once things have firmed up, it’s true that parents and children who experience the effects of divorce can have a really difficult time. There’s lots of emotions and uncertainty to work through, and this can take a significant toll on the kids as well. 


When a stepparent moves to adopt his or her partner’s children, this can help ensure a smoother transition into the new family life. It demonstrates that you’re in it for the long haul and have no plans to abandon the family, which can further foster trust and a sense of security. 


Our Expert Attorneys Are Here To Answer Any and All CA Family Law Questions


The legal and emotional, as well as fiscal benefits of adopting a stepchild in California cannot be understated, but do note that the legal process itself can be complicated and time-consuming. If you and your family have determined that adoption of your stepchildren is the right call for you, the next step should be to consult with an experienced family law attorney. 


At R & S Law Group, LLP, we offer combined decades of experience and a team of dedicated legal experts who are here to walk you through any family law matter in CA. Whether you’re looking to adopt a stepchild, have questions about spousal support, are dealing with asset division, or are involved in any other family law matter in CA, know that we are here to help!


Cal us at (949) 825-5245 today to book a free initial consultation with our team of experts. 

Taxes and Divorce in California: What To Look Out For

divorce attorneysWith the passing of each year, few things are as consistent as taxes. This applies to all working adults, whether married, divorced, or in the process of getting divorced. The IRS expects all taxpayers to file their taxes but, depending on their marital status, could have different rules and expectations for different groups of people. 

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